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"Coaching Winners...Mentoring Success!"

    Our two leaders have over seven decades of corporate America and business ownership experience and are ready, willing and able to help you become a more effective and efficient business person. This will have a positive impact on the overall health of your company, as well as add financial stability to your firm in 

these uncertain times.

    After concentrating in business and finance in college Cicardi took over a family printing company that had thirty employees producing $500k in revenue per year. In a short period of time he ended up expanding to over 250 workers that represented six different local unions, built the gross sales to over $6M and sold out to a larger local printing firm. He retired from the industry at age fifty to continue volunteering in the St. Louis community. As an 'educated investor' he handles his own stock, bond and real estate portfolio.

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Chairman & CEO

    After receiving his BS/BA in Marketing Management in 1971, Rich spent over seven years at Xerox Corporation in St. Louis where he honed his skills in sales, major account management, sales training and sales management. As a sales manager he supported a team of 12 representatives that handled over one thousand accounts and produced over $6M in revenues for the St. Louis Branch. In 1978 he started a business brokerage firm, became a franchisor and expanded to 23 franchise offices before seeing his firm in 1981 and launching AMG.

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President & COO

    American Marketing Group, Inc., also known as AMG, has been serving its clients since 1978 and has conducted business throughout the Midwest, the U.S. and Canada. Our logo was designed in the shape of a pyramid to show creativity, strength, power and energy. Operating your own business requires all four qualities to get to the top of the pyramid safely...with help from expert coaches, by the way!

American Marketing Group, Inc.

Consulting - Coaching - Mentoring...since 1978!

    Our AMG pyramid logo and full name was granted a registration number and classification by the U.S. Patent Office on November 1, 1988. It is located on their Principal Register as {® #1511202; Class 35; Business Management Services}.

    Some of our clients have looked at our logo and told us that it reminds them of the old saying that "there is power in a pyramid.'' We at AMG think our pyramid shape speaks to the story of the ''entrepreneurial climb up a tough mountain" be the judge on what it means to you. 

    Our name itself tells you we are an 'American' owned and operated company. The principals of AMG are also firm believers in the American Dream, which is to own and operate your own business one day. Also, since we are in the sales and marketing arena, it seemed only apropos to place the word 'Marketing' in the middle of our name. Additionally, and because we operate as a team and work with an array of experts in a variety of fields, the word 'Group' seemed like the right word to use to end our business name. And finally, since we are a 'regular C corporation', we follow our business name with 'Inc.', which obviously indicates that we are legally incorporated.

    Our tag line 'Consulting - Coaching - Mentoring...since 1978!' is indicative of what we have been doing for over three decades now. Because our two leaders have over seventy years of corporate America and business ownership experience we have spent countless hours working with clients who want to start a business, buy a company, sell their firm, franchise their business or need business training in the areas of both sales and entrepreneurship. Hence, it's inherent in our business to consult, coach and mentor individuals because becoming an entrepreneur is one of the biggest and one of the most important decisions an individual can make in life. Leaving a paid position as an employee to risk everything you own takes a lot of thought and planning because it will have a major impact on you and your immediate family. Once you move forward, take the leap and become the owner and operator of your own company make sure you have the right amount of capital, a reliable staff and team that will work with you to move your firm forward...especially your sales team. Simply stated "Business is Selling!"

    Also, our St. Louis Metropolitan Area is the 15th. largest metropolitan region in the U. S. and is home to over 2.8 million residents. AMG's marketplace is currently made up the City of St.Louis and its sixteen surrounding counties that house 130K business. Since 1978, AMG has been a business development firm specializing in business consulting, coaching and mentoring and is ready to share the experience with others so they can become a more effective and efficient business person.

"The St. Louis Arch...the home of our principals,

AMG and the Gateway to the West."

    Many individuals have the 'American Dream' in mind and want to own and operate their own business someday and AMG can help. We continue to serve the needs of our clients in the St. Louis Region or wherever we are needed. Also, we work with an independent team of experts in a variety of areas and engage them on an as-needed basis to help us properly guide, direct, train and support, our clients every step of the way. Because of our business brokerage, franchise consulting and business training experience for over three decades AMG specializes in business consulting, coaching and mentoring to help our clients achieve their goals. There's a real benefit from working with our two leaders because they can teach you what they have learned in over seven decades of combined corporate America and business ownership experience. They have both ''been there and done that'' numerous times and are willing to share their expertise with you, which will make you a better leader and entrepreneur. Once this happens it will have a positive impact on the overall health of your business and add financial stability to your company during these uncertain economic times.

    Our Chairman, Cicardi Bruce, took his family printing company in St. Louis from thirty employees that had gross revenues of $500K to over 250 employees that belonged to six different unions doing over $6M in sales in a very short period of time. He understood both the importance of having great sales people and had the innate talent and ability to become a successful entrepreneur. He retired from that industry at age fifty to manage his own stock, bond, mutual fund and real estate portfolio. In addition, he believes in giving back to his community and has served as a volunteer founder, officer or board member to over forty business, civic, charity and political organizations. In 2002 he was elected to be the Chairman & CEO of AMG.

    The Founder and President of AMG, Rich Pisani, started American Business Brokers, Inc.(ABB) in 1978 to specialize and appraising and marketing privately held businesses located in the St. Louis Region. In order to expand he and his team marketed, trained, opened and supported twenty three franchise offices in the Midwest before selling the company to a privately held firm in 1981. The chain helped individuals start a new business, buy a new franchise and sold hundreds of privately held companies ranging in price from $15,000 for a small restaurant in St. Louis, MO to $27M for an auto after-market company in Detroit, MI. After Rich sold his company in 1981 to a local firm he set up American Marketing Group, Inc. (AMG) and continued the ABB expansion plan under contract for an additional year after the sale.

    In St. Louis AMG is best known for the franchise launch and expansion efforts of The Pasta House Company Italian restaurant chain on a local and regional basis. Nationally our firm is proud to have been on the initial franchise expansion team that helped VR Business Brokers expand from seventy five offices in the New England area to over six hundred and fifty franchise units in the U.S. and Canada before they went public in the mid-eighties. In 2007 we launched the national expansion efforts of Information Protection Solutions of America (IPSA) from one paper and product shredding facility in downtown Chicago to one hundred and forty IPSA licensed and NAID-AAA Certified locations nationwide before they sold all of their stock to a fortune 500 firm in 2010.

"There is a light at the end of the tunnel and

we can help you get through it successfully"

Cicardi A. Bruce    &    Richard T. Pisani

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