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"Coaching Winners...Mentoring Success!"

"AMG officially announces on LUTV HD the launch

of its new 'Business Advisory Board' service in Q2 of 2014!"

    Lindenwood University's LUTV HD show called the 'Business Roundtable with Jim Jump' has been hosted since 2003 by their leading Professor of Economics, Jim Jump. His expertise in television allows him to instruct students in their 'School of Communications' majoring in 'Mass Communications' for TV and Digital Cinema production.

    LUTV HD Station Manager, Peter V. Carlos, and their Production Manager, Brandon McKinney, work with Professor Jump in their high-tech $14M television studio to professionally educate, train and prepare students for life in or on TV after they graduate. These three experts train, coach and mentor students and allow them to produce, edit, direct and host their own television shows to prepare them for the 'real world'. An important component in the students Mass Communication major is practical experience outside of the classroom. LU provides intensive, hands-on broadcast experience at 89.1 The Wood, KCLC FM, the University's 50,000 watt radio station. Under the guidance of professional management, students work in all facets of station operation including programming, promotion, news reporting and writing, marketing, traffic, and on-air announcing. KCLC FM serves a diverse listening audience in the St. Louis metropolitan area.

    Cicardi Bruce and Rich Pisani join host Jim Jump after they wrapped up a thirty minute television interview at LUTV HD studios on 10-9-13. This show will be viewed by over 100K and is aired on Charter Cable #989, U-Verse #99 and, plus is available to watch 24/7 and can be downloaded on YouTube. The topic was 'franchising'.

Rich Pisani, Ken Herold & Host-Jim Jump

    To watch a variety of Jim's television interviews go to ww​ and type in the key words 'Jim Jump Business Round Table LUTV' and you can select from a variety of different shows, topics and guests. It's designed to help both the student of Lindenwood University majoring in Mass Communications, as well as the viewing audience who is interested in what the 'World of Business' has to offer.

Coaching and Team-Work

    An expert trainer, coach and instructor who has the opportunity to work with skilled, talented and able individuals in a 'team effort' is a formula for success if you want to win the right way at any game...including the game of business. It can be brutal as an entrepreneur or top-tier manager trying to achieve your goals with no coach, team or game plan. It's safer to belong to a group who has a leader that has professional experience with a game plan who is ready, willing and able to take on the a professional manner and according to the rules of the game.

"It's not about each's all about

their expert coach, talented teammates and game plan."

    We at American Marketing Group, Inc. also known as AMG, realize that "two heads are better than one". Also, in many cases, it even makes more sense to engage a group of people who become a team of experts because they represent different fields. Engaging a leader with an team of experts can accomplish certain goals, which means you will be successful and can meet specific deadlines in the world of business. When you have an talented and able team leader, skilled and like-minded teammates, a well thought out realistic action plan and a real target to shoot at it's very possible to hit the bulls-eye...most of the time. You're probably not going to win every sports game or land every prospective business client, but our increase your odds of winning. The teams owners, managers, coaches and teammates know it's a game of numbers and the percentages it takes to win in your particular field. The leaders job is to get their team to identify a host of symptoms, then hone in on the real problem, discuss the possible solutions and fix it quickly and permanently...if possible.

    Therefore, the goal of the group leader is to get the entire team to share their ideas, suggestions and advice on how to best solve a real problem...not just work on symptoms. If you are a business owner who is considered First in Command and the Final Decision Maker (FDM) or a top-tier manager who is a 'High-Level Decision Influencer (HDI) at your company and have a problem you don't always want to talk to your business partners or peers every time you have an issue or concern to deal's not always the smart thing to do. Also, you realize you shouldn't always talk to your company peers or underlings about what to do because they are looking for answers and guidance from you. So, that's not the right thing to do either. For sure you don't want to take your issues home with you and get personal family advice . So, what's a business person to do in this case? Keep the problem to themselves until they come up with what they hope is the right answer? Hire an outside consultant who's an expert at handling their specific kind of problem? Or, join a peer group advisory board and know you have a private business coach and Business Advisory Board you can meet with on a regular basis and call upon at any time for suggestions, ideas and advice. AMG's recommendation is to join our team, meet your group on a regular basis to discuss problems and share ideas, build a relationship with your own peers who are like-minded individuals you can trust and utilize the expertise of the AMG Group Facilitator on an as-needed basis. Being proactive about having a 'continual support plan' in place for yourself is always a smart idea. Engaging a team leader and peers who will give you on-going support is equivalent to belonging to a franchise system where each franchisee has others and their franchisor to lean on when they are having problems.

    That's why we offer our AMG Business Advisory Board service so entrepreneurs and upper level managers can meet privately on a regular monthly basis with a peer group advisory board for four hours who have similar titles, job descriptions and responsibilities and are like-minded individuals who want to help each other. Additionally, each member will not have a competitor, employee, client or vendor on their respective Business Advisory Board have complete confidentiality. To insure this, each member executes a 'Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Agreement' so all teammates feel safe to discuss their problems and share their ideas in the gatherings.

    To qualify as a Business Advisory Board member you must be a business owner who is the 'First In Command' and final decision maker (FDM) and at your company or an upper level manager who is a high-level decision maker (HDI) or 'Second in Command' in your firm.

    If you join our Business Advisory Board you will have a 90 Day Evaluation Period. After executing a 12 month Membership Agreement your dues are $550 per month...the average car payment. If after 90 days we're not happy with each other your total amount paid is questions asked.

"Try our Business Advisory Board

program out for our 90 Day Evaluation Period."

    Here's how the '90 Day Evaluation Period' for our AMG Business Advisory Board membership program works. As a new member you will have three months to see if your team is right for you...and if you're right for your team. If you are a member of the U.S. Small Business Institute (SBI) you will be able to try our service for the first three no charge. If you are not a member of SBI, you must pay your monthly dues on time and attend and be an active participant in all three (3) monthly four (4) hour group meetings. Plus, you must participate in the three (3) monthly private coaching sessions with your AMG Group Facilitator. Plus, you must have started creating your company's short-term quarterly action plan and long-term five year business plan. If you've fulfilled the requirements, decide that you want to stay, the group thinks your a good teammate then you will be invited by the Group Facilitator to stay on the board. At this point you will simply continue to pay the monthly dues as outlined in the agreement by electronic funds transfer (EFT) due on the first calendar day of each month. However, if you don't move into your fourth month for any reason whatsoever your money will be returned in full assuming you have fulfilled your obligations as outlined questions asked.

    Keep in mind that if you're invited and you join AMG Business Advisory Board team you'll be able to share confidential information with your peers to solve problems. Your trained and experienced AMG Group Facilitator will have a minimum of twenty (20) successful years as an entrepreneur and/or corporate executive to help guide and direct you through our program. Because you'll have a a Group Facilitator as an expert leader and a peer group advisory board that you meet with on a regular basis you automatically have built-in consultants, coaches and mentors ready to help you at any time. With experienced, like-minded and highly motivated individuals working together it will give each individual and their company the 'edge' you and your firm needs and deserves in these new and truly uncertain economic times.

    The principals of our firm, Cicardi Bruce and Rich Pisani, have over seven decades of combined and truly successful corporate America and entrepreneurial business experience to share with individuals who want to achieve their business goals. In addition, they believe in giving back to their community and they have collectively served as a volunteer founder, officer or advisory board member to over seventy different business, civic, charity and political organizations in the St. Louis Region. You've heard the old adage in life that says "it's not always what you know...but, who you know." Some people don't believe that statement, but those who do and have experienced it can tell you first hand that it's very true and that it works. If "knowledge is power" then "knowing people is very powerful" indeed. And, if our two principals or your peer group members don't know who can help you, collectively you can bet they'll know somebody that can get you an audience with almost anyone. In certain cases, you may want your Group Facilitator or peer member to accompany you on the initial meeting to make the introduction to 'break the ice' for you...just a thought.

"Joining a professional team has its benefits, plus

each teammate learns how to play by the rules of the game."

    The ultimate benefit of being a Business Advisory Board teammate is simple...yet very powerful. You are part of a team of peers and dealing with other professionals with similar experiences who know how to 'play by the rules of business'. If you don't play by the rules your customers, competitors and ultimately our U.S. legal system will act as the umpire and decide who is in the wrong and what the penalty will be and a 'jury of your peers' will determine the ultimate outcome. The two principals of AMG, Cicardi Bruce and Rich Pisani, have over seventy collective years of corporate America and entrepreneurial experience that they are ready, willing and able to share with their clients. They know how to play the business game the ethical, moral and legal way well. As a member of our Business Advisory Board you will have unlimited access to your peer group who you'll be able to share issues, concerns and problems with openly and freely. Since these your teammates share similar positions in their firm and deal with the same type of problems that you encounter everybody helps each's all about the team. Also, your Group Facilitator acts as a trainer, head coach and umpire when appropriate. Your teammates can give you suggestions, ideas and advice on how to best handle any given situation, which will help you become a better leader and manager in your business. Because of this professional process you can improve the overall health and financial stability of your company, which will have a positive impact on both your business career...and may help your personal life.

Newsworthy & Interesting YouTube Video's

    About the United States wealth distribution...please click on this link: 'YouTube Wealth Distribution ' for a very interesting video that will put 'perception vs reality' of the 'poor, lower, middle, upper and highest classes' in the proper perspective. Many believe that the real way to wealth is to own and operate a company and write your own checks. Many of the 312M citizens in the U.S. are entrepreneurs and are amongst the one percent (1%) of the wealthiest people in American that hold forty percent (40%) of the almost sixty (60) Trillion of our nations net worth. An average of 146M individuals file annual tax returns in the U.S. and earn a total of $8.2T. Ten percent (10%) of the total receive $4.0T while the remaining ninety percent (90%) dive up the $4.2T. Then, the top 10% pay seventy percent (70%) of all Federal, State and Municipal taxes in our country. Wealth distribution in our country is completely out of balance as you can see in this YouTube video. So, you be the judge on what this means to you!

    About the top 10 entitlements for U.S. citizens...please click on this link: GGW Government Gone Wild Video: “Land of the Freebies, Home of the Enslaved” or "The top 10 Entitlements in the U.S.". Keep in mind that Government Accounting Office is a non-partisan group that compiles information from a variety of sources and others interpret what they believe it means. And don't forget that ''liars figure and figures lie", so you need to interpret what you see and hear in any internet YouTube video from any producer and narrator. So, you be the judge on what it means to you!

"There is a light at the end of the tunnel and

we can help you get through it successfully"

Cicardi A. Bruce    &    Richard T. Pisani

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